The new year’s here! And while many of us look forward to it with excitement, it isn’t the case for our cats and dogs, unfortunately, as the loud fireworks can be extremely stressful for them. So here are a few tips that will help your pets calm down as you welcome the new year:

Keep them indoors, if possible.

This will prevent them from running away and ensure their safety not only from the fireworks but also from the potentially toxic fumes outdoors.

Dampen the noise.

Your pets’ ears are extremely sensitive, so the loud fireworks can be especially painful for them. Dampening the noise can be as simple as keeping some doors and windows closed. You can also play music to drown out loud sounds from firecrackers.

Keep them company.

They will also have a less stressful time if you can stay with your pets and soothe them. Pet them, scratch their neck or their chin—whatever you do, your presence alone will definitely help relax them.

When your pets do get stressed, try not to be upset about their behavior or be mad at them. They are already frightened and scared, so comfort them instead.

Give them room to move around.

It’s normal for your pets to get scared once they hear the fireworks, so give them room to move around and a place where they can retreat and feel safe. You can also give them ample bedding they can snuggle into.

Keep the room well-ventilated.

The compounds that allow fireworks to give off extremely bright lights and colors are also notorious pollutants. Particles from the explosions can remain suspended in the air for hours if not days, so it’s important that you keep your entire home well-ventilated, including the room where you’ve chosen to keep your pet.

Give them a workout.

Add extra minutes to their usual walks or playtime hours on New Year’s eve. This will tire them out and help them sleep through the noise of the night.

Distract them.

Whether it’s their favorite treat or toy, small distractions can go a long way in keeping your pets’ attention away from the stressful sounds of fireworks.

With these tips, you can finally celebrate the new year in way that’s less stressful for you and your pets. From all of us here at Bebita Dog and Cat Clinic, we wish you and your pets a happy, healthy, and blessed year ahead!